Joshua has been in our recovery group with our partners in Horquetas de Sarapiqui. (See picture of church below). His problem was alcohol and drugs and has been homeless for some time. His family did not want anything to do with him, especially his father. After a couple of months in Horquetas, Joshua came to know Jesus and his complete conversion began. Cold turkey with a lot of prayer is how he did it. He had never gone to church and now his new life began. His life and eternal future were changed forever by hearing the Gospel in the church where he was recovering. He received Jesus as his Lord and Savior, and his heart became so full of love that he reached out to his father who wanted nothing to do with him. It was so special to see the forgiveness between the 2 men, as redemption washed over them. We praise God that he received a Bible from the local church partner and we are praying that he will grow in his faith as he goes back to work and live with his family again. Thank you again for partnering with us to share God’s love and helping us to use friendsips to impact the world for Jesus, one family at a time.

Another special testimony was with Juan, a 36-year-old man from Talamanca, our indigenous population. Juan was trying to finish his high school diploma and take Bible courses at the same time. He wanted to share about Jesus so his thrist for Bible knowledge was so great. But he needed glasses and could not afford them so he told our Pastor Enrique that he was going to have to drop out of school and his Bible classes. All he needed was $60 to buy the glasses he so desperately needed. When Pastor Enrique presented the problem to us, we immediately took care of the cost because of our partnership with you. Such a small request but it was so impossible for him. With new glasses, renewed strength and a thrist for knowledge, Juan is back in classes and sharing the Gospel.

Education is so important for us as it is one of the best ways to eradicate poverty. We have begun the purchase of uniforms for the kid`s in our kid´s club. We have 110 and most need help as without a complete uniform, they cannot attend school which is FREE. No uniform and shoes mean NO SCHOOL! God has been good and in the past with your help we have been able to buy over 75 kids uniforms so that this is not a problem. Will you help us this year? Press the button below and it will take you to the page where you can share so that others can make studying a reality. This past Christmas, we trust you experienced the hope and peace that only Christ can give. Thank you again for partnering with us to share God`s love and help us to use these friendships to impact the world for Jesus, one family at a time.

Cami and Luci continue to be a great source of JOY for me. To have them so close is a gift from God. Cami has learned to tickle Luci and it is fun to see her laugh and also pose for pictures.

We just had a mission team leave and their cultural exchange day was to spend the day at the La Paz Waterfalls. The whole time the team was here we were praising the Lord for great weather. We are in the dry season and it has rained so much it has felt like the rainy season. Rebeca, Chelo and Cami went as their guides and it poured all day. The team was soaked, cold and buying ponchos. What a day! Next letter, we will be sharing with you what the Quad city mission team did with us.